ETHEREUM: Der größte Trade meines Lebens!!!!!


ETHEREUM: Der größte Trade meines Lebens!!!!!

Anmelden & bis zu $5‘500 GRATIS Bonus kassieren: (Klick für Bonus) Wichtige Warnung: Trading kann sehr gefährlich sein und zum Totalverlust führen. Ich schreibe das nicht nur aus rechtlichen Gründen. Ich möchte nicht dass meine Community mit zocken ihr Geld verliert! Seid verantwortungsvoll wenn ihr traded! Traded auf eigenes Risiko und schaut daaa es legal für euch erlaubt ist! Dieses Video enthält eine Affiliate Partnerschaft mit Bitunix und Levex. DISCLAIMER The content, opinions and other information in the videos are intended as general information and for entertainment purposes only and it is not to be construed as professional or financial advice. Information in the videos is solely the opinion of the speaker who is not a financial advisor nor a firm. I do not have any representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. I, including directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents and representatives, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the information presented nor the availability of said information. I disclaim responsibility for any losses, injuries or damages resulting from the display or use of any information. Investing always comes with a considerable risk. I recommend viewers to do their own research before engaging in any trade activity. The channel may contain links to other channels, internet sites or technologies supplied by third parties. I do not exercise control over legality of Third Party Sites or their compliance with applicable laws. Therefore, I explicitly disclaim liability for any loss or damage arising from your use or access to any Third Party Sites. I do not intend to make any direct or indirect market communication to users and consumers based in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India or China. By accessing this channel, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. PROMOTION AND AFFILIATES The appearance of third-party advertisements and hyperlinks does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation by me. I am not your broker, intermediary, representative, agent, or advisor. This channel is not responsible for the performance of sponsors or affiliates. The promotion only reflects my personal honest opinion of the product. I may receive compensation for the promotions in my videos. Conduct your own research before deciding to use any third-party service.

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