
We’re not engaged in a physical battle, but a spiritual war! Ephesians 6:12
says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood…” So, how
should we war? In the Spirit, and by using WORSHIP as our mighty weapon!

“Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled…”
(Luke 21:34 MSG) We pray that you receive from God all that He has for you as
you listen to this message

Description of the members of the family, from the ancient Hebrew text.
We pray that you receive from God all that He has for you as you listen to this

1. Do you have a heart?

2. Do you care?

3. Are you walking in agreement?

4. Do you love one another as deep-spirited friends?

Wonderful message by Harry and Cheryl Salem

“Devoted.” Have you died to yourself, devoting yourself entirely to Him? We pray that you receive from God all that He has for you as you listen to this message.

“Cherish.” He cherishes you! We pray that you receive from God
all that He has for you as you listen to this message.